Winter in Arches National Park

Photo of snowy mountain through Delicate Arch in Arches National Park

You’ll find the snowy La Sal Mountains to be a great backdrop for many views throughout the park.

Why Visit in Winter?
As visitation to Arches National Park continues to grow, making a trip there in the winter is one of the best ways to beat the crowds, simply because they are essentially non-existent. I would consider November to February the off season, and on average the traffic during those months is only 1/5th of what the park sees during the busiest months between May and September. In addition, snow on the nearby La Sal mountains makes for special photos, and more photography opportunities present themselves if you’re there when there is snow in the park. Read on to learn more about visiting in the winter, along with photography tips.

Photo of Snow near Skyline arch in Arches National Park

Even a little bit of snow can be a nice element to incorporate into your winter photos.

Winter Weather
Of course one of the reasons you won’t find the crowds during the winter is because visitors are avoiding the cold. If you can brave the cold you reap the rewards of a quieter visit and beautiful winter scenery. It’s not uncommon for the lows to dip under 20, with highs in the low 40s, especially in December and January. Winds can make it seem even colder. Be prepared by bringing several layers, and definitely don’t forget a beanie and gloves. I’d even recommend a face mask, especially in case of a breezy day. Have shoes or boots that are adequate for a little bit of snow. Always check the forecast to have a better idea of what to expect, and if there were any major storms recently, check the Arches Twitter page for potential closures. This is rare, but I have seen the park close temporarily due to intense storms and icy roads. Also remember the short days of the season, with sunrise occurring a bit after 7:30am and sunset a bit before 5:00pm in the dead of winter.

Photo of red rock formations in Arches National Park with snowy La Sal mountains in background

The contrast of red rocks and snowy La Sal mountains

Winter Photography Tips
As with any photography, we want to tell a story. And part of that story is that you are visiting Arches National Park in the winter, in the FREEZING cold! To share that with others, you want to capture any elements that you can to capture those frigid conditions. The easiest way to do that is of course include snow, and in the winter there is no shortage of it on the La Sal mountains, which just so happen to make a killer backdrop throughout much of the park. If you can, get some of the many red rock formations in the park along with the mountains for striking contrast. If you’re lucky and have snow in the park, incorporate that into your foreground. It can be on the ground or rocks, and sometimes in the branches of bushes and trees. Also be on the lookout for ice or icicles. Including a person in the photo can also help tell the story of the season, since viewers will see how bundled up they are and get an idea of how chilly it must be. Also, as previously mentioned, be aware of the sunrise and sunset times, as this is when it’s likely you’ll get your best photos. You can check times for Arches National Park here. Happy winter shooting!

Photo of cracked ice on ground with moon in Arches National Park

Cracked ice along with this tree lined up nicely with the moon.


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